Annual Reflections, Boundary Setting, and more!

Hey friends, this’ll be a shorter post than usual as we head into the holiday season. Let’s get into it!

❗Join us for the A² Annual Reflection Retreat!

tl;dr: I think we need an Annual Reflection for Actual People. So we’re running one! It’s an invitation to pause, reconnect with your intuition, connect deeply with others, and step forward from a place of inner guidance. Join us to explore what’s possible when you start from “being” rather than “doing”.

➡️ Details

🎯 What’s Included

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 From the Community

A² annual reflection/preview workshop, December meetup update, January meetup details (x Gildre)

💡 Skill Spotlight

Boundary setting (great for the holidays!)

📆 Join us IRL

A²’s next Conscious Connection for founders, leaders, and curious people is on January 15 at 6:00pm. We’re partnering with Gildre. ​I'm excited to partner with Gildre because they focus on working with mission-driven entrepreneurs who care about making a conscious impact AND the journey to get there.

We're inviting both the market-focused leader AND the spiritual seeker within you to the table. It's a great place to make authentic connections in an intimate setting.

Our calendar is the hub for A² IRL gatherings. Subscribing is the easiest way to get notified of these!

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 From The Community

❗We’re using this section to promote offerings, events, and community gatherings aligned with A²’s mission. The work of living authentically is a global effort and bigger than just this community.

If you want me to include something, send it over!

The group @ The Red Fridge Society

🤔🤓 A² retreat: Annual Reflection for Actual People

Ready to close 2024 with clarity and step boldly into 2025? Join us for a half-day immersive retreat designed to help you reflect on the year past and intentionally shape the year ahead.

This is for: Founders, leaders, and curious people who care about living their life intentionally.

What we’ll do: We’ll be doing an Annual Review/Preview, A² style. This isn’t a set of “New Year’s Resolutions". Our Annual Review is an invitation to come home to yourself. Through a guided journey, you’ll explore where you’ve been, reconnect with what matters most, and uncover what’s possible when you live a life rooted in your essence.

This will be a time to pause, disconnect from technology, listen to what comes up in stillness, and share deeply with others.

What you’ll get: A deep reflection on the year past, a renewed sense of purpose for the year ahead, and kindred souls to support you in the journey.

When: Saturday, January 11 from 10am - 4pm

➡️ Details

💫 Rounding out the December meetup

Yesterday’s meetup was awesome. Despite the busy week before the holidays, we had our BIGGEST turnout ever!

Indoor meetups continue to be awesome. We talked about investment funds that track company culture (check out the Deadlift Fund, it’s outperformed the S&P 500 by 2.4x 🤯), managing family time in the holiday season, visions for 2025, and so much more.

We left feeling spacious and connected ahead of the rest of the year!

James sharing with the group


A HUGE THANK YOU to ​The Red Fridge Society for hosting us!

The Red Fridge Society is a private community and workspace for entrepreneurs, investors, and creators. They focus on manifesting serendipity by fostering diverse interactions among members and moving forward together, celebrating successes, and supporting each other through downs.

🅰️² x Gildre: January meetup partnering with Gildre

I am so excited to partner with Gildre for our January meetup.

More about them:Gildre is the premier, invite-only knowledge community for ambitious founders, providing exclusive access to mentors, events, and tools to help you build a successful company.

​I'm excited to partner with Gildre because they focus on working with mission-driven entrepreneurs who care about making a conscious impact AND the journey to get there.

We're building Conscious Connection by inviting both the market-focused leader AND the spiritual seeker within you to the table.

Know anyone that’s looking for more of that in their life? I’d appreciate it if you invite them to our next event!

💡 Skill Spotlight

tl;dr: Setting boundaries isn't about building walls – it's about creating gates that you can mindfully open and close. These can help us stay true to our authenticity while engaging with our communities.

As the holiday season swings into full gear, many of us struggle with family expectations, social obligations, and our own needs (I know I do). This week, we're exploring a simple but powerful practice for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries during this busy season.

Here’s how PLAN Method of boundary setting works:

  1. P - Pause

    1. Take 24 hours before responding to non-urgent requests

    2. Use phrases like "Let me check my calendar and get back to you"

  2. L - Listen (to yourself)

    1. Check in with your body's response (more on that here)

    2. Notice any tension, anxiety, or resistance

    3. Ask yourself: "Does this request align for me?"

  3. A - Assess

    1. Your capacity (time, energy, resources)

    2. The impact on your wellbeing

    3. Alternative options available

  4. N - Navigate

    1. Communicate your decision clearly and kindly

    2. Offer alternatives when possible

    3. Stand firm without apologizing

Here’s a few sample responses for requests you might hear:

  • Join us for dinner every night! > I can join for dessert instead of the full dinner.

  • Gift shopping (SO EXPENSIVE) > I'll contribute $50 to the gift pool rather than shopping individually.

  • Staying up really late > I need to leave by 9 PM to maintain my sleep schedule.

Remember, boundaries are an act of self-respect and love – for yourself and others. You get to choose when to open and close them!

📚 Resource Corner

📆 Join Us IRL

A²’s next Conscious Connection for founders, leaders, and curious people is on January 15 at 6:00pm. We’re partnering with Gildre. ​I'm excited to partner with Gildre because they focus on working with mission-driven entrepreneurs who care about making a conscious impact AND the journey to get there.

We're inviting both the market-focused leader AND the spiritual seeker within you to the table. It's a great place to make authentic connections in an intimate setting.

Basically this graphic:

📫 Our calendar is the hub for A² IRL gatherings. Subscribing is the easiest way to get notified of these!

Some links in this post are affiliate links. If you buy a book through my link, I'll earn a small commission. There’s no additional cost to you.


or to participate.